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iPad 2 Jailbroken and running Cydia

Posted by Free Mobile Recharge Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Apple’s iPad 2 was just released on 11th March and it was impossible to jailbreak as Apple patched the exploits those allowed previous iOS devices to be jailbroken.
But if you were planning to buy iPad 2 then there is a good news for you by Comex, a Jailbreaking Wizard group. It states in it’s twitter status
” would’ve had it yesterday if I didn’t have to spend 1.5 days looking for a replacement exploit (which came from a most unexpected place…) “

Well, iPad 2 has also been reported iPad 2  running Cydia, a software package which allows you to find and download applications and software packages for a jailbroken iPhone, iPod touch or iPad, by browsing repositories that list these applications and packages, most of which are available at no cost.
So now you would be able to play games, make video calls and install numerous other tools on your iPad 2. There is no news of the official release as of now, but it can be expected soon in the upcoming weeks. [ via ]



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