It happens many times that we forget locally saved passwords and have no way to see/reveal that locally stored password because these stored password are behind asterisks. Thus, if we are able to reveal asterisk password, we may be able to recover lost password. Asterisk logger and asterisk revealer tools are used to reveal asterisk passwords in such situations.
Asterisk Logger/Revealer:
I have mentioned 4 asterisk revealer tools below check them out. I have even provided link for software download:
1. Javascript code:This is the best and most reliable way to reveal asterisk password because the automated asterisk logger softwares may fail at times. So, whenever you want to reveal asterisk passwords, simply enter the Javascript code in address bar of your browser and hit on Enter. You will be getting a popup box showing the actual password which was hidden behind asterisk.
e.g.: Say you have locally saved passwords in your browser. Then simply go to and you will find password field filled with asterisk password. Now, to reveal this asterisk password, enter the code below and you will be getting the password.
Free Download Javascript code here.
2. Show Password Firefox addon:If you're using Firefox browser and want to automate the above Javascript code hack, then simply install ShowPassword firefox addon. Whenever you want to reveal asterisk password, simply hit on ShowPassword icon in firefox status bar and you will be able to reveal asterisk password.
3. Asterisk Key:
This one is another automated software used to reveal passwords behind asterisks. Run this software and open a webpage containing saved passwords. Hit on "Recover" link in Asterisk key and you will be able to recover passwords under asterisks. This Asterisk key found working perfect with Internet Explorer, though may not work with Firefox.
Free Download Asterisk Key software here.
4. Asterisk Logger:
Whenever you open this Asterisk logger software, you don't need to hit any button. Asterisk Logger will automatically retrieve all stored passwords, whenever a window containing asterisk password is opened.
Free Download Asterisk Logger software.
So friends, these are some of the best softwares used to reveal asterisk passwords. If you are using any other Asterisk Logger/Revealer software or trick to reveal asterisk password, not mentioned in the article, please mention it in comments.
Enjoy Asterisk Logger/Revealer to reveal asterisk passwords...