Last year Google added that they will be using Website loading time as one of the several factor for search engine ranking. We all know using lots of advertisement slows down our blog load time and Adsense is one such advertising network which everyone is using.
In an official blog post Adsense team confirmed that Adsense codes slows down your blog page load time by 12% and they have worked on better code and mechanism which will not slow down your page load time.
Here is an official excerpt from announcement page:
AdSense ads, like any element on a webpage, usually contribute to the time the page takes to load. Last year, we ran tests that showed AdSense adding 12% on average to the time it took to load various pages from top web sites, so we set out to make this better. We’ve now developed a new ads delivery technique to improve the speed of websites that display AdSense ads, so that it doesn’t slow down your page content. We’re very happy to announce that we’ve eliminated this slowdown for the majority of websites and for a number of browsers, and are seeing pages load as much as a second faster than before.
To implement this new changes, you don’t have to change anything from your end. This new method is currently supported for Chrome, Firefox and Internet explorer 8. In future we can see the support for Opera and IE9 browser.
It’s a good move by Adsense as it will help us to load our blog pages faster and better reader experience. Do let us know how did you liked the idea of better load time optimized Adsense ad and which ad network according to you slows down the blog loading time the most?