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IF-THEN statements with Microsoft Excel

Posted by Free Mobile Recharge Sunday, March 6, 2011

IF-THEN statements with Microsoft Excel
products by Russ Steward
IF-THEN statements with Microsoft Excel
One of the basic financial statements for the modeling is the IF-THEN function in Excel. While this may not be as robust as other approaches when doing actual computer programming are taken into account (C + +, Java, VB), in Excel it is simple and ubiquitous.
There are a few things to consider when you approach the IF-THEN: * For basic results such as “if the cell corresponds to a bone dog lay in the cell next to” or “if the cell to my right hand like an umbrella with rain-screen character in the cell as “or something like that. IF-THEN works well for binary situations and is a method that the basic financial Modeler and understand, easy easy. The beauty of the function on the most basic level is the simplicity.
* IF-THEN can also be used for non-binary situations, which means that you can “nest” a number of Sub-IF THEN statements within the cell. For example, suppose that you had four triggering events: apple, orange, grape and banana. Depending on the word that was in a cell, it would be one of four results. This would look like this: = IF (A1 = “Apple”, “Watch for worm”, IF (A1 = “orange”, “Citrus”, IF (A1 = “Grape”, “Soon a raisin” IF (A1 = “banana”, “Do not slip on the peel,” “Do nothing “)))).
you will notice that contains the last part of this statement” do nothing “, which is any text that is not one of the specified amounts, captures the look you. If there were only four ways (which was somehow blocked the entrance cell to prevent anything other than the four possibilities), the code would look like this:
= IF (A1 = “Apple”, “Watch for worm,” IF (A1 = “orange”, “Citrus”, IF (A1 = “Grape”, “Soon a raisin”, “do not slip on the peel “))).
By definition, only four possibilities results in three investment funds -. think the fourth IF as silent, so you can see why this is the case
is * The financial model builders also link if-then statements can apply a mathematical operator to two or more statements in the cell. You can use a formula like = IF (A1 = “Pie”, 1,0) + IF (B1 = “Soup”, 2,0) + IF (C1 = “water”, 3.0). You can do this with an operator to do and is useful when discrete components to develop the model you have. As you get further into advanced modeling, ultimately, this triggers used, or cells that create an influx of additional information when transformed into a real state. A further discussion on that occur as we move up to secondary education issues, but just remember that flexibility in the IF-THEN statement from this particular perspective.
* A shortcoming of the IF-THEN statement is you can only use up to seven nested statements ever in a function in Excel. For example, the out after a maximum version of the IF-THEN statement: = IF (C5 = 1,1, IF (C5 = 2,2, IF (C5 = 3,3, IF (C5 = 4 , 4, IF (C5 = 5,5, IF (C5 = 6,6, IF (C5 = 7,7, IF (C5 = 8,8, “No “)))))))) – if you have a another nested IF statement, try to get an error message. Part of the reason that is because the evaluation of the IF-THEN in the standard Excel environment (as well as computer language in general) take some time to assess. Granted, there is not much time, if you have a machine calculating a bit faster than us, but each of the assessment steps necessary computational speed and memory. If you can be a nested 20-step imaginable to do if-then statement in your head and so, you need this statement to the last part of it to evaluate, you’ll begin to understand why it takes more time for the computer analysis to do. Thus, seven of the cutoff point, but in reality, you should never do that anyway many nested IF-THEN statements.
In summary, the if-then statement can be very useful and simple approach to be binary, and certain non-binary situations. It is not perfect for larger queries or very large tables, where the answer to the if-then drives the model, but it may just be enough for everyday financial modeling applications, and it is easy to implement and interpret. About the author Russ Steward has more than fifteen years experience in investment banking and private equity, and has hundreds of financial models and analysis in Excel. For more information, please visit either or



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