iPad 1 was made officially available in India when iPad 2 was about to launch in US. Apple didn’t launch iPad 2 officially in Indian Market but with power of web, its all possible to make it yours here in India.
You can order Apple iPad 2 online in India via ShopYourWorld.
ShopYourWorld is a well known global shopping platform from where you can order products from and Amazon which is not possible directly. Same is the case with Apple iPad 2, which can be pre-ordered from SYW now in India.
ShopYourWorld, at the moment has only Wi-Fi versions of iPad 2 for pre order with expected shipping in 6-8 weeks. There is no news about 3G + WiFi models but we will update you as soon as it comes for sale.
Buy Apple iPad 2 in India from ShopYourWorld
You can order Apple iPad 2 online in India via ShopYourWorld.
ShopYourWorld is a well known global shopping platform from where you can order products from and Amazon which is not possible directly. Same is the case with Apple iPad 2, which can be pre-ordered from SYW now in India.
ShopYourWorld, at the moment has only Wi-Fi versions of iPad 2 for pre order with expected shipping in 6-8 weeks. There is no news about 3G + WiFi models but we will update you as soon as it comes for sale.
- iPad 2 16GB (Wi-Fi) – Rs 36,500.00
- iPad 2 32GB (Wi-Fi) – Rs 42,900.00
- iPad 2 64GB (Wi-Fi) – Rs 49,500.00
How to make Payments for ordering iPad 2 in India
ShopYourWorld supports all major Credit Cards and Debit Cards from India.Buy Apple iPad 2 in India from ShopYourWorld