Facebook Places is a service addon which lets you share location with your friends by updating your wall status. This is useful when you are visiting cool places like some Hotel, Cinema or just any place to hangout and want to let your friends know about it.
Many of you maybe aware of Foursquare which does same thing but now you get same thing integrated in Facebook application. Till now, Facebook places was not available officially in India but now you can check in Places right from mobile device.
How to Check In Facebook Places in India?
You can Use Places on or the Facebook App for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, HP webOS or Windows Phone 7.Just Click on Places and tap on Check In button. Your Location will be traced and nearby places (already checked in by Facebook users) will be shown. If not, create Place yourself and Check In.
Check In can also include your purpose of being there and other Friends with you can be tagged along with Photos.
This service will gain a boost as I can already see people migrating to Facebook Places instead of Foursquare. Reasons may be Foursquare again requires you to shout on Facebook and if you don’t only buddies on Foursquare will know about you check-in. On other hand, People login to Facebook daily and you too.