The guys at Google are surely busy a lot. They have pushed through yet another browser release this month, the Chrome 12. Earlier this month we have seen the release of Chrome 9 Final, Chrome 10 Stable, Chrome 11 beta and now the Chrome 12 Dev(12.0.712.0) for Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome Frame. Looking at this schedule, it does not surprise that Chrome is starting to grab a major share of the browser market.
Mozilla finally released Firefox 4 after a dozen beta and two RC releases over a period of more than one year. Microsoft has also taken nearly a year to roll out IE9. Whereas within the same time period, we have seen numerous browser releases from Chrome.
This release supposedly contains many fixes, Chrome’s Javascript engine V8 has been updated to and it also includes Multi-Tab select for the Windows version. Tab multi select enables the selection of more than one tab using the CTRL key and performing a common action on them.
This version is meant for testers only, and the end users should stick to Chrome 10.
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